How to Implement the Entity Value Realization (EVER) Model

The EVER model is described in great detail in the book Take Control By Giving Up Control: the Value-Centered Fast Track to Organizational Growth which can be found on Amazon here.

The easiest way to implement the EVER framework is to determine which of the ten value amplifiers described in the book you need most to drive the greatest impact, then start with that one.

Email us or give us a call and we’ll discuss your situation to help you determine the best course of action.


How We Deliver Value to You

  • Experiential Workshops
  • Value-Centered Consulting Delivery
  • Executive & Leadership Coaching


Value Offerings

We help you:

  • Identify growth/focus areas & create strategic GSOs for each planning horizon
  • Communicate strategic GSOs across the organization
  • Refine & optimize funding model based on core GSOs
  • Perform readiness assessment
  • Create a Value Realization Office (VRO) and identify key roles & responsibilities
  • Develop leadership guardrails and value transformation oversight
  • Create BU &  value stream GSOs
  • Teach customer-centricity & design thinking
  • Discover, formulate, & optimize value streams
  • Align value streams to long-term GSOs
  • Map annual and long-term GSOs to business capabilities
  • Create business capabilities catalog (if it doesn’t already exist)
  • Evaluate current business capabilities against GSOs to identify portfolio items
  • Refine & prioritize GSOs
  • Implement incremental funding for BU and value stream GSOs
  • Develop quarterly GSOs
  • Create/refine product roadmaps
  • Develop customer-centric product value propositions
  • Plan together in Big Room Planning events
  • Manage rapid prototyping & customer validation
  • Establish real-time customer feedback protocols
  • Refine, adjust & adapt based on customer feedback & outcomes data